A Pocket Full of Hope 

A person may ask; Who is an Evangelist?  The answer would be simple.  An evangelist is a normal, everyday person who, through devotion to our Creator, chooses to go out and share what they carry.  When I think of carrying something, I think of pockets.  Some of us carry coins.  Some of us carry reminders.  An evangelist carries hope in his pocket

We, as God's people, carry treasures of hope with us everyday.  It's almost as if our pockets are filled with shiny gold coins.   These coins, however, have no value if they stay in our pockets.  As Christians, we are to share our treasures of hope with everyone we meet.  Hope is a free gift that was given to all of us. Evangelism is the act of emptying our pockets,  only to have them filled again. 

There are people around us everyday looking for answers. They fear the perplexity of the times.  All they know is what the world tells them.   They continue their daily routine, while we have been called as evangelists to go and proclaim the Good News from God's Word that is filling our pockets. The only source of information people in the world have is newspapers, or media.  It is for this reason men, women and children live at the threshold of fear and panic. "Why"? you ask.  The reasons are obvious.   Through the media we are currently seeing an ever increasing series of bizarre events. According to news media, and the internet we are unable to trust leadership.  Reports of hurricanes,  tsunamis, and earthquakes rapidly increase in number.  Wars are sparking up on every front.  Not all people around us have been equipped with important tools that enable them to distinguish between what is Truth, and what is not.  

Now you say; "I don't know anything about being an evangelist. Those are people you see on TV."   I say; "Hold it right there!" You are able to be an evangelist just as easy as the next guy. You don't need a TV station, a satellite, or a massive audience. All you need is a willing heart.   With the tools and training offered by the Pocket Testament League, anyone can be fully equipped and encouraged everyday.   Some of the tools include; pocket pamphlets, daily devotionals, bible studies, and lots of encouragement and support along the way. 
Remember! We have hope in our pockets!  In Luke chapter 21, Jesus talks about all these events happening.  In verse 28, He said "When these things begin to happen, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."   This is why we evangelize.  We have Good News to tell.  How is the world suppose to know there's hope, if we don't tell them?  How will they know that through Jesus they have nothing to fear?  I will tell you how they will know.  We will share the hope that's in our pockets.  They will know because of people like us carrying out the command to go and tell.  We carry hope in our pockets, and generously give it away.

Let's be obedient and evangelize this lost world.  Let's pour out our pockets on a daily basis to everyone we meet.

For more information on how to get equipped, go to The Pocket Testament League website.  Let's share the hope that is in our pockets.

Scripture reference: New King James Bible

Luke 21:28
And when these things begin to happen, Look up.  Lift up your heads. For your redemption draws near." 

LeAnn Strickland Wright



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