TO: THOSE HE LOVES ~See the signs~ "Wake up!!! Strengthen what remains, and is about to die. I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. But if you do not wake up; I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Revelations 3
Showing posts from 2014
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"Hang in there, My Chosen" "The knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of God have been given to you..." Luke 8:10 Genesis 15:6 "And he believed in Him, and He counted it to him as righteousness." Hi everyone. For some time now this has been on my heart. What's "this"? What I'm talking about is the end times, and how we are living in them. It's not just me. People all over the world are getting the revelation. I don't know about you, but I find great comfort in it. After all, "we will all be changed in the twinkling of an eye", Jesus' Words. For the human psych, this is impossible to grasp. But in the Spirit, it makes perfect sense. In times of your life, have you not got an inkling of eternity? It's not something you can exactly illustrate. It's just there. Well, for instance, it can be as simple as a glass being half empty, or half full. Half empty would be to focus on all the horrib...
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ENCOURAGEMENT FOR YOU WHEN I NEED IT "He Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from our iniquity, and purify unto Himself; a peculiar people, zealous of good works." Titus 2:14 Well, it was one of those days. I woke with a lot on my plate, and my weakness kicked in. I ended complaining about situations, and yelling at family members. Once that happens, the downward spiral begins, and I realize just how incapable of living my life the way God wants me to. There is just no way I can I can do it. Without Him carrying me, my ship is sunk. I'm glad He thought of redemption ahead of time. He had to. I mean, look who He's got to deal with. And I'm glad He see's me as a finished product. That's what Faith's main purpose is, I'm sure. Seeing me as a finished product is going to take more than will ever be able to muster up. I'm glad He's God, and I'm not. We would all be in trouble.
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TIME IS RUNNING OUT FAST!!! Hi my friends. I truly care about others. Therefore, I refuse to be one of those people who disregard warning this urgent, and then assume no one else wants to hear it. THESE MESSAGES HAVE BEEN A LONG TIME COMING. E MUST WAKE UP, PRAY, AND LIVE THE TRUE THAT WE ARE CALLED BY GOD TO LIVE. PLEASE TAKE TWELVE MINUTES TO PREPARE FOR SOON COMING EVENTS LEADING UP TO ETERNITY. PASS IT ON FRIENDS.
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The Curse of the Madd Hacker Hello all you out there in Blogger Land. It seems that someone didn't find the Writer's Cross blogs to their liking. I guess propaganda isn't their cup-o-tea. Most of what I write and put out there is backed up by intense research. I say "most" because at least 45% comes from my heart. It's all right though. I forgive whoever would do such a crazy thing. Well, I suppose I have to start from scratch. I'm not worried about it. That's how I started in the first place.
Drop the "L" You're Not A Loser
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Drop the "L" You're Not A Loser Have you ever had days when you feel like there should be a great big capital "L" in the center of your forehead? "L-O-S-E-R" You are no longer a spring chicken. And in the morning you look in the mirror, low and behold! There is that annoying "L" right smack dab in the middle of you your forehead once again. "L-O-S-E-R"! You think to yourself; and reply to that negative voice in your head. You know the one that nags at you morning, noon and night? Yes, and even in public restrooms. It tells you, what a louse you are. You can't stick to anything you start. You sit by yourself at church so no one will talk to you. Oh, and get this, it tells you that out of everyone sitting in your section, you are the only one who gave under 10 dollars at offering. Now that offering is over, the announcements start. Do you sit there and listen like you are inte...
✔ What Will Happen To Israel In 2014? & 2015? THE 4 BLOOD MOONS...
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We've Already Won !
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"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers in this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12 Through Christ, We've Won! Everything that goes on in this world, whether it be horrific, or glorious, is well in control by Our Creator. Even the one world order that we hear so much about. In Revelations Jesus says it is part of the plan. He says that it was He who planted the idea into the hearts of leadership. We, as believers and heirs to Christ carry more Power than any man made group. We have the power to move the Hand of God. He listens attentively to us. He has armed us mightily. "The weapons we fight with are not weapons of this world. On the contrary, they have the divine power to demolish strongholds. " 2 Corinthians 10:4
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Rejoice! The God Who Created the heavens and the Earth is in full control. He knows the beginning to the end. "I form the light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil; I the Lord do these things. Isaiah" 45:7 "And I will bring the blind by a way that they know not; I will lead them in paths they have not known; I will make darkness light before them, and make crooked things straight; These things I will do for them, and NOT FORSAKE THEM." Isaiah 42:16
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A Prayer for THE ONE TRUE ISRAEL by LeAnn Strickland Wright Our country, America, belongs to You Lord, Just as Israel belongs to You. And we, as a Godly nation throughout the decades have honored you by blessing Israel. We know that Your Word says we are to Bless Israel. So we pray for the leadership throughout the world. We ask that you open their spiritual eyes to the deception that is taking place in what is called "the State of Israel". Israel symbolizes the people you have held dear in Your Heart since the beginning of time. But Lord, there are those of us that, though we love a nation of people known as " the Jews", we discern something sinister causing death, deception and destruction to the most innocent of people. Dear Lord, we discern counterfeit leaders in power in Israel, "they sit where Satan has his throne. They say they are Jews, but they are liars" as Your Word says in Revelations 3:9. They are not...
"Perfect Love Casts Out Fear"
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"What is this Perfect Love" "There is no fear in love. But perfect Love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not yet perfected in Love." 1 John 4:18 The scripture " Perfect Love casts out fear". What IS perfect Love? Well, I would say that Perfect Love is unconditional. To me that means, it is always present. Nothing can chase it away. Not even unbelief, nor denial. What about defiance, complacency, ignorance, or hate? Nope. They don't stand a chance. The phrase "perfect Love casts out fear" comes from the Word of God. I would say that the source is reliable. The Bible also says that "God is Love." Not many people really take this into consideration. It tends to be taken for granted because it never seems to go away. So why consider it? It will be there if, by a slim chance, we may happen to find a use for it. So don...
Zionist Terror in Gaza - Free Gaza and Free the World
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ANONYMOUS - Proof we are the Last Generation on Earth
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-=The Epic Anonymous Message to the world on the internet 2014 100%=-
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August 5, 2014 To Cleburne Review Cleburne Texas LeAnn Strickland Wright Writer ~ Research ~Actor ~ Hello Sirs and Ladies My name is LeAnn Strickland Wright. I live in Burleson/Joshua district. I would appreciate a meeting with your editor, or office manager to discuss employment as a part-time writer/reporter. I love what I do, so I do it quite well. I have applied several times, as the job as been posted several times. Would you consider a short trial period, to test my abilities? I am a mature responsible person and own my car. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you, LeAnn S. Wright 817-916-2056 or 940-367-7055 leave message I always respond to email. I am also sending a sample of my work.
WW3 - in America Military Coup Now Americans rising up
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IF YOU WANT TANGIBLE HOPE, WATCH THIS. Revealing Truth About Heaven and The Spirit Realm - Kat Kerr
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Jesus Christ Superstar Film (2000): Could We Start Again Please?
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Jesus Christ Superstar Film (2000): Could We Start Again Please?
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A Message From Jesus For Those Longing For His Return
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Anonymous's Plan To Defeat The Illuminati And New World Order 2014 and 2015
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Pushed Away: Our Love Is True
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Pushed Away: Our Love Was True I am sure that most of the people that have read my posts, or viewed my face book have discovered that I have a soft spot in my heart for Charlie Chaplin. There's a reason why. As a matter of fact, there are several reasons why. I am writing this blog to let you know that it's not because Charlie Chaplin brings so much joy to my heart, or that I have so much fun dressing up and acting like him. Even though those excellent reasons for me to spend as much time as I do on these projects, there is something more important. The reason this subject is near to my heart of hearts is because I have a very real connection with him. This connection is pain, and sometimes a sense of loneliness. It is different than most because it come from a heart that has been beaten down for it's desire to love and make the world a little better. I will explain.. Ch...
The Writers Cross: Are We Living In The Last Days???Watch This Video...
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Book of Revelations
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John's Vision in Revelations ...His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. When I saw Him I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me do not be afraid. I am the first and the last. I am he who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive for ever more...Amen. I have the keys of hell and death. Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this. Rev. 2:7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give him eat from the tree of Life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. Rev. 2:8 ...I know your works, your tribulation, and your poverty, but you are rich, and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are jews and are not, but are a synagogue of satan. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed the devil is about to thr...
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Are We Living In The Last Days ??? Watch This Video And See . I created this video after much prayer, research and study on the obvious signs around us which reveal that time as we know it, is rolling to a close. This message is a simple, short and informative way to understand events that are taking place at this moment. - God being the caring Father that He is, mapped it all out for us in His Word. When His disciples asked when He would return, He said no one knows the time, nor the day, not the angels, not the Son, but only the Father. However He did indicate obvious signs to look for. And if we we really want to know, we search. When we study, God gives us answers. Acts 2:17 "In those days it will come to pass, says God, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall have visions, your old men shall dream dreams." Revelation 1:7 "Behold He i...
What the bible says about end times
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Rev. 1:11 And I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, saying; I am the alpha and omega, the first and the last. Write what you are seeing in a book, and send it to the seven churches with are in Asia; to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea." When John turns to look he see 7 gold lamp stands , and within the lamp stands was Jesus. And He has white hair and beard, and wore a long white garment, and around His chest he was girded with a golden band. His eyes were like flames of fire. His feet were like brass, as if refined in a furnace. His voice was the sound as many waters. He held in His right hand 7 stars , and out of his mouth came a sharp two edged sword. His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. When I saw Him I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me do not be afraid. I am the f...
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" The Writer's Cross " is a way to communicate truth and encouragement. I pray that readers who take part in it are touched in some way, and that once they read one of my blogs, some little something becomes different in their lives.. Be blessed. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The video I am featuring discusses a battle field that has suffered way too many casualties. This battle field is called "The mind". It needs fortification. In the bible it is called "renewing the mind". A simple, but direct way to do this is by meditating on scripture. Some people get overwhelmed when they hear this. We have an enemy that lies, and makes the battle look harder than it is. But he has never been so wrong. We can bring his kingdom down , one scripture at a time, one prayer at a time, and one thought at a time. Philippians 4:8 says; "Finally brothers, and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is ...
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A heads up to readers of The Writers Cross Please check out my new You Tube video ministry The video is entitled "Fear not!!! Be Ready!!! I AM newbie AND HAVE MUCH TO LEARN, but my goal is to bring hope and encouragement to others. I would like to see how this goes. I need feedback Please, Don't forget to share!!! Many people will be encouraged if this ministry takes off.
The Writers Cross: And The blessings Come Crashing Down
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Evangelism ; A . Pocket Full of Hope Today I sat on my porch swing enjoying the beauty of God's creation. I was talking to God, about writing this article for the Pocket Testament League. Of all this ministry does for Our Lord and Savior, I noticed the top priority is evangelism . So, as I continued to pray, I asked God to help me define the deepest meaning of evangelism possible. So I asked Him, "What is evangelism "? While finishing up my morning devotion al , I remembered I have always thought of an evangelist as one who goes around pulling little books out of their pockets , and handing them to strangers. Then I recalled a time in the down town area sitting on a bench, watching these people with joyful glow on their faces. One after another, they would approach people walking to and fro, and pull little cards from their pockets, and hand them out. After at time of watching, I asked myself, "What kind...
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Under Dog Research Alliance Research Writer Collaborators "If they do not listen, they shall perish by the sword, and die without knowledge." Job 36:11-13 Let's do it for the world. Our Mission will be share articles, videos, interviews, news reels, and anything pertaining to issues not known to the average working class citizen, the less informed, AKA "the Under Dog." Millions of citizens work long hours, and have no time to search for news on current issues. Yet these very issues effect their lives, and the ones they love. What laws are being made at the citizen's expense? What does the future hold for America? How are we still protected by the constitution? Let's unite our passions. Let's form; "The Under-Dog Research Alliance" "The home of the free and the brave" is about to need major foundation repair!!! At first it might be a little rocky, but that's only at the beginning. We'...
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A Pocket Full of Hope A person may ask; Who is an Evangeli st ? The answer would be simple. An evangelist is a normal, everyday person who, through devotion to our Creator, chooses to go out and share what they carry. When I think of carrying something, I think of pockets. Some of us carry coins. Some of us carry reminders. An evangelist carries hope in his pocket We, as God's people, carry treasures of hope with us everyday. It's almost as if our pockets are filled with shiny gold coins. These coins, however, have no value if they stay in our pockets. As Christians, we are to share our treasures of hope with everyone we meet. Hope is a free gift that was given to all of us. Evangelism is the act of emptying our pockets , only to have them filled again. There are people around us everyday looking for answers. They fear the perplexity of the times. All th...
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The American Deficit of Life "Let instruction and knowledge mean more to you than silver and the finest gold." Proverbs 8:10 As a writer, I constantly thirst for new information. For this reason, I spend a large part of my days, and nights, searching for information that has anything to do with what goes on around us, as Americans. I do this because I want the world to get better. As the search continues, I find myself bombarded by the realities that avalanche down upon me. Sure the government has caused an American deficit that's too big to pay back. That's no sweat off their brow. They just go print more money. Let's see, oh yea! We've got the war on terror, nation wide foreclosures, unemployment, large corporate take overs, and get this! We also have executive orders that claim rights to our property, our transportation, our health care, and even the right to detain us anytime, and anywhere they see fit. ...