GOD ALONE IS OUR MIGHTY FORTRESS! Continue to pray for America! Some believe 9-11 was only a warning, and that the worst is yet to come. What do you believe? "He will break down every tower and fortified wall. "He will destroy all the trading ships and every great vessel. Human pride will be humbled, and human arrogance will be brought down. Only the Lord will be exalted on that day of Judgement." Isaiah 2
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Behold; The Last Trumpet!!! Prepare the Way for The Day of Atonement September 13th. Op en your hearts to Jesus! He is it, folks; your only Salvation. THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE AFFECTED!!! If it isn't so, you will lose a DAY; but if it IS so, you will lose Eternity. Dear Heavenly Father. Open the eyes of the people. Let them know their redemption is near. Let them know that I am at the door. I come that they will have Life, and have it more abundantly. If they give their life to me, they will find it. They will be my people and I will be their God ..AND THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST THEM! Matthew 10:39 Acts 16:31 Revelations 3:20 Look up Rabbi Johnathan Cahn
The Writer's Cross: The Writer's Cross: Perfect PeaceAll this talk abo...
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America, JADE HELM, and the Hope that comes along side it. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved; you and your household." Acts 16:31 Operation JADE HELM 15 started yesterday. The most obvious operations are in Texas, Utah, and parts of New Mexico and California. I find it interesting that most of these areas involves some border type area to the U.S. There is a wide variety of American response to JADE HELM from basic military exercises to feeling invaded by terrorist Some of our most dedicated military personnel have called it quits. They believe that this "routine military exercise" is somehow considered unconstitional. Hmm...Isn't the U.S. military suppose to be on our side? Mainstream media coverage. media is currently banned. I suppose they don't want to cause anymore of a stir than there already is. It is reported that the reason Texas is a large part of such a"Warfare Exercise" (Another n...
The Writer's Cross: Perfect PeaceAll this talk about JADE HELM, ONE W...
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Perfect Peace All this talk about JADE HELM, ONE WORLD ORDER, HAVING OUR RIGHTS STRIPPED AWAY, AND TERRORISM are all things the world talks about. But if you are in Jesus, you are not of this world. You are part of a very Mighty Kingdom. Fear has nothing to do with God's people. Perfect Peace does. So when you hear these things in the world; REMEMBER it doesn't apply to you. Your inheritance is Love, Joy and PEACE. IT'S YOURS SO HANG ON TO IT. As Jesus put it "Rejoice because your redemption draws near." Peace I leave with you. Not peace as the world gives,give I to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful,." John 14:27 We win in the end! "But the saints of the most High will inherit the Kingdom of God; Even possess the Kingdom forever and ever." Daniel 7:18 Let's pray: Dear Jesus thank You for caring about my life right down to the finest detail. As I meditate on Your ...
The Writer's Cross: DON'T FOLLOW THE LEADERWho will be the n...
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"BECAUSE YOU ARE and BECAUSE I AM" Just because you are American doesn't mean you have turned your back on God Just because you are Russian doesn't mean you want war. Just because you are Chinese doesn't mean you seek power. But since you are human , it's time to share the Good News. We have created for a much smarter purpose. We are at war because we "assume" you're this way and I am that way. That is blindness at it's epitome. We ALL have families . We ALL we mamas . We ALL have brothers and sisters , and we ALL were children once ago. We had imaginations and played silly games. I will even assure we disobeyed our Mammas and our Daddies and got and whippings. Then "Why do we think we are so different. I will tell you why. Because we all walk on a different part of the Earth's ground. I hope everyone that reads this thinks hard about this simple idea that God has given me. Are we really so d...
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UPDATE ON JADE HELM "But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:36 Hey World, No matter how far you are from the U.S., JADE HELM WILL EFFECT YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE! Know Your enemy. And pray! I believe that the world will become a scary place without Jesus as your Savior. And worse when God removes His presence from the earth. We will be with Him. * JADE HELM BEGINS July 15. * The U.S. is just a little frustrated with Texas because she plans to secede from the Union. And the Governor will have tje Not that she wants to jump ship, but because she never wanted to be part of the oppression of Martial Law. I guess that's understandable. * Texas has supposedly sought help from Russia and the Texas State guard just in case the secession becomes a little bumpy. * Russia is on her way to the Gulf of M...
Is The World Getting You Down?
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HOW TO BE SAVED IN 3 EASY STEPS Step 1 Confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Son of God ~There's great power in the words we say~ Step 2 Believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead ~This takes faith. It's something you can't see. or it's not faith~ Step 3 Be Thankful !!! Let's try it: Dear Jesus, I believe that You are God's Son. I also believe that You sent Him to die for all I have said, thought or done wrong. I believe that He was crucified and rose from the dead. I believe that because He rose from the dead that He defeated death for me. Now I no longer have to worry about dying. I believe I am saved from the chaos of this world. Amen "that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. You will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made to salvation...
Jesus is Coming ~ So Pack Your Bags. We're Going Home!
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If you surf the internet, or watch the news, it's obvious to see that the things of this world are going hay- wire. But that's OK. In HIS WORD Jesus told us all these things ahead of time. He's got it covered. He wants you and me by His side when it's time to jump ship. And if you watch the news; you can see we are going down fast. Grab His Hand; and get ready for the Joy that awaits you. We're going home!!! " I have said these things to you, that IN ME YOU MAY HAVE PEACE. In this world you will have trouble. But fear not, for I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." John 16:33 Dear Jesus, Please show me what to do to prepare for Your coming. Place Your Holy Spirit and Your Word in my heart. Be my Savior. Help me to see and understand. Thank You for Loving me. Amen
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What kind of God let's his creation live in a world of such evil? I hear many people ask this question. A powerful God would NOT turn His back on those He loves... and neither would our Heavenly Father. He doesn't want to hurt you any more than you would want to inflict pain and misery on your own children. No, He thought of a way to redeem you and bring you back to Him. JESUS, like the awesome big brother that He is; stood in your place and took any punishment you had coming. If not for Him, all of us would have been in BIG TROUBLE. HE ADORES YOU and has ALWAYS WANTED YOU WITH HIM. Wait until you see the good things He has waiting for you! Like any other loving parent, He wants only the best for you. So lift up your head. You have beautiful surprises just around the bend. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and NOT to harm you. Plans to give you a future and a hope...
"Depression; You've Met Your Match!"
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Depression; You've Met Your Match !! Out of all the messages of Love I have received from the Heart of God; the one that rings out the loudest is the one about Depression. All my life I have struggled with it. You might say I accepted it as my lot in life. But, boy was I wrong?! I sought after God for a real solution. I wouldn't settle for one from a doctor, or medical book. The answer turned out to be simple! It was right there in His Word the whole time. Anytime one of His kids began to have a heaviness in their heart, they were instructed to look on all the wonders, delights, and lessons that were given to them. These were all Gifts from God. THAT was His cure for Depression. So when I began to make my list... I rendered it impossible. There was absolutely no way I could list His Goodness on a piece of paper, or any way else for that matter; not in this lifetime. So in conclusi...
End Of Satans/Illuminati's Reign Is Near! Victory Through Yeshua! 2015
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Fear No Man!
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" Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. Fear only God, Who can destroy both soul and body in hell ." Matthew 10:28 Anyone that is familiar with the Bible, and know because you know that His Word speaks the infallible TRUTH, then when this talk about the all-powerful "secret society" rears it's head, you can think "so what of it?" As believers, we know full well that "Satan is the god of this world." 2 Corinthians 4:4. He is not "GOD"! He is just over this ever-crumbling present world. I mean, come on, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know who's behind the wheel on this thing. When we look around us, we see devastation, lies, and destruction. Satan sure leaves his fingerprints everywhere. However the Good News is; that we, as believers and followers of Christ, are not of this world , and even if we were? He overcame the world. We keep our eyes up, because Ou...